茄子的英文,Wha is he Eglish word for 茄子?

Wha is he Eglish word for 茄子?

茄子 (qiézi) is a popular vegeable i Chiese cuisie ha is ofe used i dishes such as sir-fries, sews, ad soups. I is also a key igredie i dishes from oher Asia couries, such as Japa ad Korea.

The Eglish word for 茄子

The Eglish word for 茄子 is “eggpla”. The word “eggpla” origiaed i he Uied Saes, where he vegeable was origially whie or yellow ad had he size ad shape of a egg. The word “eggpla” was coied i he mid-18h ceury, ad i has bee used ever sice o describe he dark purple vegeable ha we kow oday.

The uriioal beefis of eggpla

Eggpla is a low-calorie vegeable ha is rich i fiber, viamis, ad mierals. I is a good source of viamis C ad K, as well as viami B6, folae, ad poassium. I also coais aioxidas ha ca help proec your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

How o prepare eggpla

Eggpla ca be cooked i a variey of ways, icludig grillig, roasig, bakig, ad fryig. Before cookig, i is impora o remove he sem ad slice he eggpla io he desired shape. To remove ay bieress, you ca sprikle sal over he slices ad le hem si for a few miues before risig hem off.

Eggpla dishes o ry

If you’re lookig for ew ways o ejoy eggpla, ry some of hese delicious dishes:

  • Baba ghaoush: a Middle Easer dip made wih roased eggpla, ahii, lemo juice, ad garlic
  • Moussaka: a Greek casserole made wih layers of eggpla, groud beef or lamb, ad a creamy béchamel sauce
  • Raaouille: a Frech vegeable sew made wih eggpla, omaoes, zucchii, ad bell peppers
  • Sir-fried eggpla: a simple Chiese dish made wih sliced eggpla, garlic, giger, ad soy sauce

Wheher you’re a fa of radiioal Chiese cuisie or you’re lookig for ew ways o icorporae vegeables io your die, eggpla is a versaile ad uriious igredie ha is worh ryig.






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